On 15 March 2016, the MoMS – Museum of Modern Show-lighting – played host to a
delegation of head teachers and teachers from a dozen schools in the province of
Bergamo (Italy). The occasion was sponsored by the provincial education authority
and saw the participation of an inspector from the Italian Ministry of Education.
The event was organized to present the MoMS officially to schools and launch a
series of benefits for school children who visit the museum. The MoMS is not just a
company museum; it hosts a multimedia system with a precise educational mission.
The museum has a study centre consisting of a historical archive and a multimedia
room which, along with the showroom, is the ideal venue for conferences,
workshops and training courses for show lighting professionals, students of
vocational schools and universities, and enthusiasts of this constantly evolving
industry, which combines entertainment with the most advanced technology.
The teachers at the meeting were taken on a guided tour of the museum, after
which they also visited the study centre and the showroom, where they saw a light
After that, the services and benefits the MoMS museum system can offer to schools
were explained in more detail. Besides expressing their appreciation for the
facilities, the guests also suggested other ways of working together with local
educational institutions.
The main purpose of the meeting was to let as many educational institutions as
possible have the chance to visit the Clay Paky company museum. Given the
enthusiasm this first event was met with, the provincial education authority has
decided to organize another similar event on 24 May 2016.