With curiosity duly piqued among the lighting fraternity, news of the next Showlight
Quadrennial is spreading with the announcement that Showlight 2017 will take place
on 20-23 May 2017 in the beautiful Renaissance city of Florence, Italy.
The eagerly awaited colloquium, organised by lighting professionals, for lighting
professionals, is now in its tenth incarnation, its peripatetic nature having taken it
to London, Hollywood, Amsterdam, York, Ghent, Edinburgh, Munich, Glasgow, and
most recently, Cesky Krumlov in 2013.
Showlight is a bringing together of lighting professionals from all areas of expertise
and levels of experience, from wizened professionals to fresh-faced students! The
emphasis is on sharing knowledge and enjoying the inspiration and variety our
industry offers in a networking event without parallel.
An eclectic programme of speakers will inform and entertain delegates in a series
of 20-minute sessions, interspersed by a micro-tradeshow, and accompanied by a
social programme which includes company dinners and a series of half-day visits to
local places of interest, before culminating in the legendary Conference Dinner.
The host venue for the four days will be the glorious Palazzo Dei Congressi, a state-
of-the-art conference venue inside an historical and charming Italian-style villa in
the heart of Florence.
The main sponsor for Showlight 2017 was announced last year as Italian lighting
manufacturers, Clay Paky.
“We are looking forward to the day when the international lighting community
finally gathers in Italy,’ says Clay Paky Sales and Marketing Director, Pio Nahum.
“Florence is a city that is rich in outstanding cultural opportunities and inviting
recreational possibilities; we are working with great commitment to ensure the
event is both an interesting and highly pleasurable experience for everyone.’
The quality of the papers, the networking opportunities, the stunning location and
the promise of an immensely enjoyable event, guarantee this will be an extremely
popular conference.
“Every Showlight is a new experience: a different venue and different speakers
make each one unique,’ says Showlight Chairman, John Allen. “The only similarity
is that we work hard to make Showlight engaging, interesting and educational for
everyone, seasoned professionals and students alike.’
Potential exhibitors should contact Jane Cockburn or Derek Gilbert on
exhibit@showlight.org for more details. Exhibitor numbers are limited and allocated
on a first come, first served basis.
To register as a delegate and receive more information as it becomes available,
email info@showlight.org. Those wishing to be considered for student sponsorship
should email students@showlight.org.