DWR Distribution, suppliers of intelligent lighting and control equipment for staging, theatre and entertainment, welcomed Angela Botha to the company earlier this month. Botha, who joins the company in her capacity as an Office Administrator, has knowledge of the accounting software – Pastel, and will assist the DWR Accounts Department and help with invoices and quotations.

Botha is excited about her inclusion to the DWR team. “It’s awesome to be a part of such a wonderful company,’ she stated. “It’s like a family, everyone is down to earth and I am already enjoying this industry.’

Botha, a former Krugersdorp High School student, has for the past three years worked at Filter Pure Mesh carrying out administrative duties and internal sales. She lists quad biking, painting, Zumba Dance Fitness and scrapbooking as her spare time hobbies.
Speaking about his newest recruit, Duncan Riley of DWR stated: “I am very pleased to have Angela Botha in our team. She brings another personality to the DWR team – a very loud and very happy personality.’