This November marks the 25th anniversary of the birth of the Source Four® fixture at
ETC. Leading up to this year’s LDI trade show, the company with be taking a look
back at this product, which has become a major part of ETC’s story. According to ETC,
the fixture has made a long-lasting impact on the industry and has inspired many
additional ETC fixtures.

“When I first saw the Source Four it was just an HPL lamp, glass reflector, and a lens
on an optical rail in Dave Cunningham’s lab. However, it was 40% brighter than a
1000W FEL and used the only 575W of power. I was awestruck. It was, even more,
fun to watch the looks on the faces of the LDI attendees when we launched the
product a year later,’ says ETC CEO Fred Foster.

Ellen White, outreach and training specialist at ETC, was working in ETC’s booth in
1992 when Source Four was first revealed. “We launched three products at that trade
show, and we thought the talk was going to focus on the Sensor dimmers and the
Obsession console. But Source Four started a small buzz that morning and became
the topic of conversation at many dinners that evening.’

Since launching at LDI in 1992, ETC has shipped nearly 3.8 million Source Four
fixtures, which has given the company plenty of reasons to celebrate this upcoming

As part of the anniversary celebration, ECT is creating a crowd sourced video
showcasing the longevity of the Source Four fixture. The company aims to see as
many of the millions of Source Four and Source Four LED fixtures currently in use as
possible. “As part of this crowd-sourced video project, ECT has requested that people
send photos of any Source Four and Source Four LED fixtures which are currently
being utilised in theatres, churches, schools, and community centres. Entrants will
receive a limited edition Source Four 25th Anniversary t-shirt and will stand a chance
of winning one of ten Source Four Mini LEDs. Entries close on 01 October 2017.

Kindly follow the provided link to submit entries: