Following the overwhelming success of its impression LED portfolio — and in
particular its new X4 series — in international markets, GLP is further expanding its
global outreach by setting up a dedicated UK base.
This will be headed up by experienced stage and theatre production specialist, Noel
“Roly’ Smith, with immediate effect.
Having gained experience in the theatre from the age of 16, and been intrigued by
the evolution of lighting as it went through the various stages of automation in the
late “80s, he gradually moved into the rental side of lighting before becoming a
touring production professional.
“The GLP brand was brought to my attention around ten years ago when I was
fortunate enough to start working with them. I quickly realised why they were
gaining so much attention — being bright, fast and extremely reliable … and
something different in the lighting world.’
Around the same time he was introduced to GLP Inc president, Mark Ravenhill,
while working on a large theatre production, and the two men have remained in
contact ever since. “Later, when Mark joined GLP, he communicated his vision of
where he wanted to take the company — and it was this that eventually led to the
decision to set up GLP UK.’
Noel says he is relishing the challenge of improving brand visibility of GLP’s new
generation effects in UK rental fleets among the touring community — especially X4
Bar 10 and Bar 20, X4 Atom and impression X1 — with so many tours being
specified in the UK.
“I would say that self-representation will enable us to occupy a more prominent
position, not only in touring but in all market segments,’ he predicts. “One specific
sector I am looking to target is the install market, where GLP products will fulfil a
number of roles extremely well due to their excellent reliability and low power
draw, combined with the latest technology.’
Comments Mark Ravenhill, “We are delighted to be setting up our own subsidiary
operation to support the UK and Ireland markets, and we’re lucky to have someone
with Roly’s vast experience heading up the operation. It’s a fantastic combination
that we plan on growing, as we have done recently with our operations in the US
and Hong Kong.’
The new GLP UK office will be based just outside Exeter and will be supported by a
local service department.
Noel’s contact details are: Mobile: +44 7974 444297. Email: