Symetrix has appointed iLED to distribute all of its products, including the SymNet Edge and Radius Dante networked digital signal processors throughout South Africa. In the twelve years since it launched, iLED has earned its clients’ loyalty by providing expert advice founded on a commitment to continual education. iLED team members pride themselves on the depth and breadth of their A/V knowledge, including all the latest advanced solutions, coupled with their ability to communicate that knowledge to clients.
“iLED is focused on educating members of the A/V community in South Africa,’ said Mark Ullrich, International Sales Manager for Symetrix. “The company started iLED University in 2010 to offer free trainings on products, concepts, and techniques, and it has been a huge success. We’re really looking forward to working with their dedicated team.’
“We were looking to include a DSP-based product line in our arsenal, and although there are multiple brands out there to pick from, only a handful hold their own at the top end of the market,’ said Justin Mamulis, Sales Director with iLED. “Symetrix is at the head of the pack, and when the opportunity to distribute Symetrix presented itself, we jumped right on board. With this powerful new addition to our line card, we look forward to opening up additional opportunities for our other brands, as well as presenting our offerings to a larger market. Now that Symetrix is leading the race to deliver effective, affordable solutions for the growing teleconferencing market, we’re especially excited to distribute SymNet Edge and Radius AEC throughout the territory.’