The 4th annual PLASA Rigging Conference will expand this year to focus on structures as well as rigging issues, bringing in experts from both fields to share their knowledge, experiences and advice. The PLASA Rigging Conference takes place on 7-8 October 2013 at its new home, ExCeL London.
The keynote speech will be given by one of the rigging industry’s leading and longest-serving practitioners, Robin Elias of Unusual Rigging, whose light-hearted account of his long career will act as a vehicle to illustrate the challenges and rewards of working as a rigger. Robin has worked on everything from rock and roll to installing works of art, TV stunts and the engineering for some of the largest objects moved in the name of entertainment, and his experiences are sure to inspire the next generation of riggers.
Gavin Bull from the HSE’s Construction Division will present the first of three sessions on the second day of the conference, addressing the issues surrounding the use of Temporary Demountable Structures (TDS). Gavin will discuss the significant impact that the proposed Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2014 may have on the industry when they come into effect in October 2014. The new regulations will require the activities of all parties, from producers to sub-contractors, to be co-ordinated and that everyone in the employment chain understands their own responsibilities to each other. This session is highly recommended for anyone involved in the ‘construction’ side of the entertainment industry, using prefabricated elements to build stages, roof systems, grandstands and similar structures.
Registration is live now – early booking rates are available until the end of August; to book tickets visit: