Proxio Audio Visual (, a distributing supplier of professional
Video, AV and Broadcast products and solutions in South Africa recently announced
their appointment by Asystems Corporation as their exclusive distributors in South
Africa and the Sub-Saharan African continent.

The formation of Asystems began with a group of industry veterans from leading
audio and video companies sharing a dream of creating products that harness the
latest and cutting-edge audio and video technologies whilst retaining the intuitive
and user-friendly operation that is often missing in the market. Asystems have
some of the best engineering and creative minds, who design with one objective in
mind, to deliver top-notch products in pro audio live sound, AV installations and
recording systems that gives their users creative freedom without any technical

“Acquiring the distributorship of Asystems in both South Africa and the Sub-Saharan
African continent is just the next logical and exciting step forward for Proxio AV’,
says Richard Barnes, Managing Director of Proxio Audio Visual, “Asystems have a
really impressive arsenal of professional vision mixers and PTZ camera solutions,
which opens up new market opportunities. The Asystems video products perfectly
complement our existing product lines, where we are still able provide to yet
another fantastic and reputable product that is incredibly well priced. In today’s age,
this is particularly important in our industry. It’s all about quality and price. For us
and our clients, Asystems meets these objectives head-on.’