Following the recent SACIA Board elections the association now has a new Board of Directors committed to ensuring that SACIA continues to develop in response to the needs of members.
After two years of service, Thys Venter from Audiosure did not make himself available for re-election and his seat on the Board has been taken by Gavin Olivier from Digital Fabric. Bruce Genricks, Elaine Shellard, Sobi Mokholo and Wynand Langenhoven were all re-elected to the Board and at the first meeting held since the elections, Wynand Langenhoven (Peripheral Vision) was elected as Board chair for the coming year.
According to the SACIA Constitution, the Board chair can only serve for a maximum 2-year period and in his opening address to the SACIA Board, Wynand recognised the contribution made by Bruce Genricks to the association’s growth and success since he was elected as chairman in May 2012.