Pointmaker LLC recently announced the release of the Pointmaker CR-100
courtroom annotation system, streamlined to meet the requirements specified by
courtroom design consultants. The simpler concept also makes the product easier to
install and easier for attorneys, judges and witnesses to draw or highlight over
details in documents, photos, slides or AV images presented as visual evidence.
Based on a “1-in-1-out’ concept (HDMI in/out), installation of the CR-100 is more
straight-forward than previous models. In large courtroom installations, the
Pointmaker CR-100 can be connected as an input to (and output from) a matrix
switcher, allowing annotation over any video looped through the CR-100. Yet, this
model can also be easily integrated into small courtroom installations that use only
a laptop or document camera.
“Any courtroom that uses video could probably use a Pointmaker CR-100,’ says
Pointmaker Executive VP Jennifer Marshall. She says this model also switches more
smoothly and seamlessly, offering increased reliability and compatibility.
“In short, this model has the most critical features at the best price,’ she says. The
Pointmaker CR-100 courtroom annotation system will debut at InfoComm 2016 in
Las Vegas this June, booth #C8130.