Apex Pro, the local distributor of ETC lighting technology in South Africa, will be hosting Anne Valentino of ETC in South Africa in June.

Anne Valentino serves as ETC’s senior controls product manager, has amassed some 30 years of experience in lighting and entertainment technology. She has worked with some of the world leaders in lighting technology, including PRG as VP of marketing, Vari-Lite as director of marketing, and Strand Lighting as dimming and control product manager in addition to ETC where she has previously served as director of research and development. Throughout her career, Valentino has been responsible for some of the most renowned lighting controllers to enter the market, including the early Strand consoles, the Vari-Lite Virtuoso and the ETC Eos family.

Valentino will be conducting a talk about lighting control philosophies and the ideas behind what makes a good lighting console in Cape Town on 11 June. The event will be hosted ApexPro and takes place at the Artscape Arena Theatre from 1pm. The event will be repeated in Johannesburg on 13 June at The Market Square Auditorium.

“Anne is one of the most experienced and insightful thought leaders in the professional lighting industry, and it will be a privilege to host her in South Africa,” says Mathew Lewis, ETC product representative at Apex Pro.

For more information and to reserve your place, kindly contact Mathew Lewis at mathew@apexpro.co.za.