Stage Audio Works – a leading supplier to the South African pro-AV industry – has underlined its commitment to local skills development through the launch of Tech Tuesday, a series of free training sessions (held on the last Tuesday of every month) which will largely focus on the houses of worship market.
According to the company, “whether you need to brush up on your tech knowledge or discover new skills, methods, and ideas for taking your tech to the next level, then Tech Tuesdays are for you.”
Aiming to cover the latest in technology, trends, methods and ways to understand tech in day-to-day operations, the inaugural Tech Tuesday session concentrated on Web and Multisite Streaming and featured expert input from Collin Jones, VP of Sales and Marketing at leading company Living As One, the “most reliable live video distribution platform available today.”
As Nathan Ihlenfeldt explained to us, “Churches in the 21st Century are always looking for mediums to reach new audiences. Live streaming to the web and social media, along with new satellite locations, are one way to accomplish this. In this session, we covered the basics of this technology and the various solutions available – with a special focus on the unique way Living as One’s web and multisite technology enables this with the less-than-optimal internet connections typically found in South Africa.”
The Tech Tuesday initiative has been launched by Stage Audio Works in partnership with K2 Innovate. Speaking about his hopes for the training sessions, Karsten Hinrichsen comments: “Tech Tuesday is our initiative in creating a community to gather around technical aspects in (predominantly) house of worship environments. It’s an avenue to meet others, discuss systems, get hands-on experience with products, chat through methods and be trained on useful solution offerings. Each session we’ll discuss a different topic, making it incredibly useful for users to attend on a monthly basis, and we’re excited about these sessions and being able to provide training that’ll bring value to those attending.”
The Tech Tuesday sessions are a fantastic way to stay abreast of the current trends and technologies dominating the house of worship market. For more information or to book your place at the next event (Tuesday 24th September), please consult