Allen & Heath has launched dLive, a next generation digital mixing system,
providing ultra-flexible architecture, a powerful FPGA processing core, a
comprehensive array of expansion, control and networking options, plus the
intuitive Harmony user interface with gesture control, meaning dLive is geared to
applications from rigorous touring and festivals to installation in prestigious live

dLive has a distributed system design with separate MixRack and Surface. The dLive
processing brain is housed in the MixRack, available in three sizes – the DM32,
DM48 and DM64, and there are three accompanying control surfaces. All MixRacks
and Surfaces are mix “n match compatible, with common configuration, setup and
show files. The MixRacks also contain the same processing engine, pioneered by the
Allen & Heath R&D team using next generation FPGA technology.

The 96k/96bit XCVI Core provides capacity for 128 inputs with full processing and
16 dedicated stereo FX returns, offering 160 inputs to mix, plus a fully configurable
64 mix bus architecture, with full processing on all 64 mix channels. dLive
incorporates the DEEP processing portfolio of embedded plugins, including Graphic
EQs, Compressors, Multiband Compressors and Dynamic EQs, alongside its 16 slot
FX racks, featuring Allen & Heath’s acclaimed range of FX emulations.

“Focusing on feedback from our customer base and key engineers, we have
developed a new Allen & Heath technology base for live mixing. The XCVI Core is
designed from the ground up to execute our DEEP Processing algorithms from within
the FPGA channel processor core. This unique architecture allows users to select
various embedded processing models on every input and mix channel on the fly,
without burning valuable FX slots or adding latency,’ says Allen & Heath’s R&D
Director, Dr. Rob Clark.

Remote IO expansion is provided at both the MixRack and Surface through dual-
redundant cat5 DX ports. This enables connection of up to three modular DX32
expansion units. Further inter-system and network connectivity is available through
five resident 128 channel I/O ports for a range of audio networking cards, including
Dante, Waves SG, ACE, and MADI, with a fibre optic option also under development.

The dLive Surfaces come in a choice of three sizes – the S3000, S5000 and S7000.
The Surface layout is fully customisable, every input or mix can be assigned to any
bank and layer, named and colour coded, and the engineer has 26 assignable
SoftKeys at their disposal. Key to the Surface design is the new Harmony UI which
integrates screen and wrap-around controls with a single or twin 12′ capacitive
touchscreen, gesture control, configurable widget areas for Scenes, meters and FX.
There is also advanced illumination control for optimal visibility in daylight or low
light conditions, including backlit keys, RGB coloured encoders, and an integrated
LED light strip.

Alternative mixing control is provided via MixPad and OneMix apps, Editor on/offline
software, TCP/IP control for third party integration, and network-enabled IP fader
and rotary remote controllers.

Finally, dLive has a new pro touring grade chassis, optimised for weight and
rigidity. All units have dual power supply slots for redundancy, with PSUs hot
swappable between Surfaces, MixRacks and Expanders. Dual redundancy is also
built into every audio connection throughout the system.

Prices range from $22,500 for a small dLive venue solution to approximately
$35,000 for a large touring system.