Telstra recently installed a complete AMX by HARMAN AV control solution in Deakin University’s new Telstra Trading Room, a realistic stock exchange simulation located on Deakin’s Melbourne campus.
Established in 1974, Deakin University is one of Australia’s fastest growing research universities, winning numerous awards and consistently ranking among the top universities in Australia. In order to provide its business students with real-world insight into the workings of a live stock exchange environment, Deakin Business School partnered with Australian communications provider Telstra to create a simulated trading room complete with tickers, displays and a large video wall providing real-time finance updates.
Deakin worked with HARMAN Professional Solutions distributor avt and Telstra to design a state-of-the-art AV control system that could handle the demands of a modern stock exchange trading floor. Telstra recommended AMX AV control systems for their user-friendly operation, innovative automation and reliable signal distribution.
“The Telstra Trading Room has received a lot of positive attention since opening” said Lorri Cahill, deputy general manager of Business and Law, Deakin University. “Supported by a sophisticated AMX AV system, the Telstra Trading Room is an innovative teaching space that helps our students learn real-world financial principles and concepts.”
The main video wall in the Telstra Trading Room consists of eight 55-inch LCD panels that can function independently or be combined to display a large number of input options. Two AMX Enova DGX 100 Series media switchers automatically distribute optimally scaled images to each of the displays that make up the trading wall, as well as other displays in the room. Four HD PTZ ceiling-mounted cameras are also connected to the Enova DGX switchers, enabling HD video conferencing with other facilities. The award-winning Enova DGX switchers incorporate all of the features the university needs to control and automate a high-tech environment such as a stock exchange.
“The Telstra Trading Room contains everything you’d expect to find in a working stock exchange”, says Mike David, project manager, Deakin University. “The AMX system provides the kind of advanced networking and automation required to manage the large number of AV signals and destinations.”
The AMX NI-4100 control system provides simplified operation of the complex AV system via two AMX Modero X-Series touch panels and two AMX eight-button keypads. The 20-inch Modero touch panels give users the space to perform multiple tasks simultaneously—from selecting video signals for individual or combined sections of the video wall, to controlling the pan and zoom of the HD PTZ cameras. The AMX keypads allow users to select real-time content for four additional 42-inch LCD panels.
“The Telstra Trading Room is Deakin Business School’s crown jewel,” said Victor Fang, associate professor, Deakin University. “With the help of the high-end AMX system designed by Telstra, the revolutionary space is now a major factor in attracting prospective students to our school. Many of Australia’s top universities have visited the Telstra Trading Room and are preparing to build similar facilities of their own.”
“HARMAN Professional Solutions is privileged to help Deakin University create a world-class educational experience,” said Ramesh Jayaraman, vice president & general manager, HARMAN Professional Solutions, APAC. “AMX control systems are well-known for their proven reliability and user-friendly operation. We thank avt and Telstra for providing Deakin University with superior technical knowledge and dedicated customer service during the installation.”