Joshua Capazzario, is one of South Africa’s top powerlifters, an Olympic Weightlifter and an all-round strength and performance enthusiast, and instructor. Joshua is one of the owners at Performance Purist, a specialised strength and conditioning gym which opened their doors on 5 February in Riverclub, Bryanston.

Capazzario briefed Surgesound to design a custom full-range audio system that would be powerful enough to create a dynamic atmosphere, and at the same time not disturb the residents in the area. With the first class starting at 5am every morning, this had to be one of the criteria.

“We had just completed and tested the prototypes of the new custom locally designed SS101X model which we are very proud of,” says Andrew Rowan, owner of Surgesound.

This model features a B&C 10” coaxial driver with a bi-amped Powersoft DSP module and has been designed to give high SPL performance in a rugged compact package, so it was a great fit for Performance Purist’s requirements.

“We are all about quality and performance, and needed an audio system that matched that ethos. We use the best of the best in our gym and didn’t want to skimp on poor audio quality, as music can be the main motivator when pushing your physical limits. The system that Surgesound installed matched our needs perfectly,” says Capazzario.