InfoComm International, the trade association representing the commercial audiovisual industry, is pleased to announce that its AV-iQ online product database features new functionality to improve usability for the whole AV value chain.
“Common categorization and a standardized data format benefits the industry because it reduces the cost of data distribution and entry, leads to the creation of more apps and improves data quality and app performance,’ said John Fuchs, Senior Vice President, InfoComm iQ. “The ability to standardize data puts the industry on a path to a more innovative future, and the new functionality of InfoComm iQ will improve industry data, make the data easier than ever to access and personalize and reduce the costs associated with researching products and specifying projects.’
New features include advanced product research criteria, a project list tool that allows the creation of project templates, the ability to feed AV-iQ data into existing systems and refinement of the cloud-based My-iQ solution, which allows customization of searches and more.
Other new features will be debuting in the near future, including a project cost-estimator tool and data subscriptions using API web call protocol.
InfoComm iQ partners with organizations internationally, to ensure a reach in most major markets for audiovisual products and services globally.