So many people speak of the Internet of Things, but when it comes to it, not many follow up with the products which can really be marketed in this sphere. The concept of ‘IoT’ is mostly used as a marketing instrument. Panzeri Carlo S.r.l. on the other hand goes further and uses the lamp to enter into Smart Lighting. The Jackie IoT table lamp is a real Internet of Things device which can be inserted into the network of Smart Living objects we will surround ourselves with more and more in our environments, at home as in the office.

How much is the smart lighting market worth?
IoT lighting solutions bring a connection between devices which formerly were not connected; they can supply data across this connection and allow devices within or outside of the lighting systems to communicate. The opportunities for saving energy costs, and of improving the well-being and health of those who live in these environments, as well as the information obtained from an analysis of the data, are driving this market towards a huge growth. The global turnover in IoT lighting, smart lighting, is forecast as greater than 545.33 million euro this last year, and 3.77 billion euro in 2026 (Source: Navigant Research).

Intelligent lighting drives the change towards ever more evolved, efficient and effective products, and it is in this sense that Panzeri has for some time been moved to invest in the digital transformation of one of its leading products.

Jackie IoT financed as an innovation product

Panzeri started to work on Jackie IoT in April 2017 as lead company of a partnership made up of Eelectron, a company specialising in automation and the evolution of buildings and environments, and the Milan Polytechnic. The first prototype of the new lamp was presented at the Biassono company stand in the Salone del Mobile di Milano, Milan’s furniture fair, on the occasion of Euroluce, and immediately attracted the interest of the media.

Last November, The Region of Lombardy selected this project amongst those deserving of financing in the field of ‘Smart Living’, in support of innovation in the building, wood for house furnishings, domestic appliances and high-tech sectors, in collaboration with the university. Panzeri Carlo S.r.l. is one of the six FederLegnoArredo companies to have received a non-repayable contribution, in confirmation that the companies of the association are in the forefront in terms of modernisation.

Over the next eighteen months the financing, totalling 450,000 euro, will go towards the development of all the hardware and software aspects of the electronics, mechanics, applications and sensors. All this will help to ensure that the device correctly responds to the noting of presence, luminosity and temperature within the buildings, be they destined towards living spaces or office use. Control over the device will be through the use of the “Otomo” App for smartphone and tablet, both for Android and IOS. The objective is to present a definitive version of Jackie IoT, ready for marketing, to the Light + Building next March.