Crestron is upgrading its EMEA Experience Centres to reflect the full range of new products launched in 2017, while strengthening its position at the forefront of the AV industry.

Designed to showcase both corporate and residential technologies in a fully immersive environment, Crestron dealers, consultants and end users will be able to experience and use the facilities to demonstrate the power of Crestron solutions.

“Updating our experience centres on a regular basis truly sets us apart, making sure our customers are exposed to the very latest technology trends and solutions we have on offer. Showcasing our solutions in a live environment is a truly unique experience’. Rupert Denoon, Regional Manager South Africa

Key updates to South Africa include:

• The latest generation DigitalMedia; the DM NVX series. The only end-to-end, secure solution that delivers 4K60, 4:4:4, and HDR over standard 1Gb Ethernet, the new DM NVX Series also features USB 2.0 routing, built-in DSP, and all-in-one encoding/decoding.

• The sleek, all-in-one console Crestron Mercury™ has been installed demonstrating that any space can be transformed into a highly effective collaboration area. It combines all the must-have conferencing and collaboration features employees need, along with the fast, secure cloud provisioning and management required by IT managers.

• Crestron Fusion® featuring Global Device Monitoring, Data Collection and Reporting, Room Scheduling and Remote Help Desk is also on display, allowing integrators to see benefits Crestron can bring to their clients.

• Also, Crestron touch screens have been upgraded to the impressive new TSW-X60 range, allowing staff and visitors seamless control across the office and experience environment. This new intuitive series of advanced technology combines high power performance with high-level security and boasts the benefit of a faster and more powerful internal processor along with new features that deliver big benefits.

To make an appointment to visit the South African experience centre, please email: