DWR Distribution is delighted to be the new distributor of Realizzer, a 3D Visualization
software program.
“I first came across Realizzer at Prolight and Sound in Frankfurt two years ago,’ said
Nick Britz of DWR Distribution. “‘I loved it straight away. I was very impressed by the
way it does realistic designs. It is a fantastic visualizer and is even able to design both
lighting and laser shows.’
Realizzer will assist lighting designers to pre-program their shows. “It also helps with
selling the concept to clients, by giving the ability to render out high definition Videos’
added Nick. “It’s compatible with any console that runs Artnet as well as various 3D
drawing programs such as Vectorworks, Cinema4D, 3DStudio Max and SketchUp. We
are very excited!’
If you would like to have a demonstration, kindly contact Nick Britz at
technical@dwrdistribution.co.za or call him at 072 931 4402.